Friday, June 10, 2016

Animal Enclosure 2016 - term 2

My Creature is a Gecko.

Some things I needed to consider about my creature:
That it only needs a small inclosure because it is small and it will not need a big one because they do not run that often and they are not big creatures.  I put a pond into my enclosure because they like to swim. I have put a little tree because they like to climb. I put in a hut in the play area because the like to hide and i put a hut in the room for at night if they are scared then they can hide be safe.
My enclosure has these special features for my pet:  A cushion for a bed, A food bowl, A play area with a pool because they like to swim, A comfort room so if they want to relax in, bathroom for  when they get dirty you could clean them up. That it only needs a small inclosure because it is small and it will not need a big one because they do not run that often.  I put a pond into my enclosure because they like to swim. I have put a little tree because they like to climb. I put in a hut in the play area because the like to hide.
What I am pleased about: The way it turned out because some off it went to plan and the rest sort of didn't. The pond because it was hard to cut out but it turned out perfect when livy cut it out.

What I have found tricky: Was making the hole for the pond because it was hard to cut out and it actually turned out really good in the end because Livy helped me cut it out.
What I would like to improve: Is by doing the hard stuff first and do the easy stuff last because this time i did the opposite and i did not finish.


The Sad dog



Sad dog
Dear world,
Help I have been caged up for over 3 years, please help me I have no food except one piece of bread a day, and I only have five teaspoons of water a day. We do not get much sleep because the dog owners kick me and yell at me and the only time I get to sleep is when the owners oldest daughter works there. Please help I need a home that is safe and will not treat me like this.
        I AM HEART💔

Exaggeration poem

The zesty lemon

I ate a zesty lemon
from my sister on a dare
A splat of lemon splashed my eyes
And then I Fell down the stair

My teeth went tingly
And started to hurt
That pain was so sore
Then I played in the dirt

My face had mixed emotions
My face turned red
Then went squishy
While I was In Bed

Then my cousin asked me
Do you want or need another one?
Know I do not.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Project based Learning

Project Based Learning Blog Post Kalae

Step One
Selecting a context
Lost in the Bush
Save the Bush
Fun in the Bush
Step Two & Three
Create questions and identify one broad question
What was your broad question?
How do we know what is poisonous in the bush?
Step Four
What did I already know about my question?
  1. That some mushrooms can be poisonous
  2. That some flowers can be poisonous
  3. That some of these poisonous things can be killing our native animals
Step Five
Design your creation
IMG_0079.JPGOur creation was called a trap. This is what we needed to make are trap: Wood, cardboard, paint, glue, screws, wire, paper, ping pong ball, and paint brushes
Step Six
Build your creation
Step Seven
How did it go?  Charlotte and I thought that it went well but if we did it another time  we would have changed the box to a smaller size.
What went well?
Charlotte and I thought that some things went to plan and some did not. Like when we were making the trap we had to make a decision on if we were going to paint the box or not.
What was a challenge?
The most challenging part of making the trap was when you had to put the wire into the sides of the trap because when the animal comes in the door might not close if it was not made probably.
Step Eight
What would you change next time?
The size of the box because we thought that the box size was to big for something that was just a model.l
What would you improve next time? The size of the box because we thought that the box was to big.
Feedback - ask some other children what they thought?
Ruby = Maybe think about your spelling and I loved your creation and I like how you have put a lot of detail into this blog. Well done :)!
Makayla = I like how you used Green & Brown for camouflage on it so creatures don’t see it :D
Henrietta = Great Job on your trap I loved how you did it camouflage so it blends in so the animals don’t even think it is there
Livy =I love how you camouflaged your trap that was very smart of you and I like the topic you choose

Camp Omatua!!

Thinking back over the camp, what I most enjoyed was

Kayaking in the Omatua river because at first I was not so sure about doing it so mum just walked with me and I had fun and did it a lot of times with out mum. The tricky bit was when you had to move the kayak to the deep end because you would get stuck if you were in the really shallow end. I also enjoyed going bush bashing because we were learning how to cross a river safely so that you know were to cross and were not to cross.    

Something funny that happened was

At camp my most funniest part was when we were in the bamboo forest, Ruby and  Henrietta and I went roly polling down the hill and landed in the garden of green flowers. My second funny part was when Charlotte read was sleep talking and then I heard Ruby sleep talking too. Ruby  was talking about oaga's but I could not really under stand what Charlotte Read was saying

Something I have found out about myself

Was that I nearer gave up like in the kayaks  I just did it and did it lots of times on by my self because mum went with me on the the first round because I was a bit scared at first because I have done kayaking before I did it in the ocean but I was with my pops.
So that is what I learned out about my self.

I really admired the way

I  admired the way jack f got down on his hands and knees and scrubbed the court yard  because he got red paint on the tiles and he used news paper and water and scrubbed it really hard until it came off. I also admired the way that that Murray carried Astella mostly everywhere when you could not go in a wheel chair.