Tuesday, May 19, 2015


In a couple of days I am getting a pit bull from my Uncle Spencer.   
It is going to be 6 weeks old.
It is going to be a brown dog with a bit of blue, we might get two but if we don’t we will get one. I hope he gives us two, but it will be hard to look after two. 
This is what you need to do to look after a puppy:

1. Make sure every morning that they have water and food.
2. Give them a dog wash every Saturday - make sure you have dog wash first.
3. Play tricks  
4. The first thing to do is go to a pet shop about 1 week before you buy them because then you get a lot  of time to get toys and food ready.
~1~ Get a tugging toy
~2~ Get a chewy pig's ear
~3~ Do not forget that you need a buy a  little suit (but make sure it is cute)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


When we are writing a summary you need to have keywords, you can write a summary about anything.  
Key words can be used in a retell or writing of your own choice.  
A summary is a shortened version of a text that makes the right point. 

Here is an example
"The whale is  a mammal " 
The keywords  are whale and  mammal.     

Here are some fix - up strategies 

  • Re-read
  • Read ahead
  • Find out what the word means
  • Stop and think
  • Create picture in your mind 
  • Ask questions
  • Make predictions 
  • Make connections

Friday, May 8, 2015

Maths Match Sticks - Week 3

    • This week we have been using match sticks for maths. We had to use 50 match sticks to make our name.
    • We got four rulers and match them together to make 1m.
    • We then made our name, and we took a photo on the 
    • i - pad and sent it to Mrs Miller. 
    • How about the next time you see your teacher, ask if you can have a go at it, and trust Parkvale School on their ideas as well. My teacher's name is Mrs Miller.
    • The learning was to do with measurement, we had to think about the accuracy and the starting and finishing point.  
    • We also put numbers to the colours and we had to add up the total value.